To the world you are just another person...
to a rescued animal, you are the world.

KARES is always available, especially during this time of need in our community. More than ever, we must continue to find temporary and permanent homes for these precious homeless souls.​
While most free meal services during the pandemic are helping hungry families, since February KARES has been distributing over 300 baggies of cat and dog food at 3 weekly locations in Waimea (Grab & GO, Monday & Friday and Annunciation Church on Tuesday).
We are asking anyone who is able, to buy a bag or can of dog/cat food at the Kona Petco and leave it in our special Coronavirus Crisis Relief bin located at the registers.
If you would like to make a monetary donation, please click DONATE. Monthly and one-time donation options are available. All donations are tax deductible.
KARES offers free spay & neutering services for dogs and cats. It's the easiest way to reduce the animal population on the Big Island and help eliminate abuse, neglect, and unwanted litters. Call us at 333-6299 for more information.
Why not quarantine with a companion and try fostering? Click here to find out more about our foster and adoption programs.