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Saving Sheba

November 15, 2020 is a great day!  We have good news to share in our battle to save Sheba, the German Shepard who has been at the San Bernardino Devore Shelter for over a year. This is from Debbie's close friend, Priscilla Presley who brought public awareness to Sheba's plight.


Dear friends,


I have TERRIFIC news.


Yes, SHEBA was released from the San Bernardino Devore Shelter yesterday. She has been released to an outstanding out of state sanctuary after 17 months in a tiny cage she only had room to turn around in.  We know she will live the rest of her life with comfort, care and love.


This was quite a surprise for all of us that worked diligently to save her from being euthanized for a simple altercation with another dog. The dog was not injured badly and is doing fine and even his owners begged for Sheba's life to be spared. (Please read the background of Sheba on Facebook...


The arrangements for her release was made between our attorney, Adrienne Hewitt, representing Sheba, and the sanctuary in Utah. This has been a very complicated case as we faced a contentious, entrenched county legal department. Yes, there were stipulations from the County among them, sadly Sheba could not go back to her beloved owner, Jose.  We were all taken back by the surprise release including Jose as he would have loved to have been there to see Sheba being freed!  Very soon we will take him to see his girl. I'm sure the County and Devore Shelter didn't want any publicly as they had encountered an international outcry pleading for her exoneration.


Thank you all!


Thank you Adrienne, you are a force to be dealt with.

Thank you Bruce Krider, your dedication, heartfelt care for not only Sheba but for Jose has touched my heart. We did it partner!


Thank you Debbie Cravatta and your Hawaii based non profit KARES, if your supporters didn't jump into action last September, 48 hours before Sheba was to be euthanized, and fought for a stay of execution, Sheba would not be here today. Your call to me for help got this enormous ball rolling.


Thank you Jose for believing in miracles.


It takes an unwavering, dedicated team and what a team it was.


Priscilla Presley


You can read more about Sheba's plight at:


News Coverage:


Save Sheba' - activists fighting execution order for Running Springs German shepherd


Priscilla Presley Is on a Mission to Save This Dog


Sheba on Nancy Grace

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